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A Local Pastor Turned Public School Champion
Don Coleman, Richmond's newly elected school board chairman, wants more churches to adopt local, struggling schools.
Furniture Fit for the Kingdom
For Harrison Higgins, building beautiful furniture is not simply a steady job but a sacrament unto God.
Walking toward Wellness: How Healthy Eating Informs Our Kingdom Work
Two Christians who promote natural foods as part of their vocational callings.
Lou Huesmann: Changing the Scorecard
How one pastor is learning to steward Christian vocation.
Creating an Inspiring Documentary (free sample)
The right planning in each phase of production can make the perfect video.
Coffee. And It Was Very Good
When humans and creation interact, it's a good thing.
Creating Young Artists
For Laura Streib, cuts to arts programs meant getting involved in Portland public schools.
Business Declares the Glory of God
How real-estate developer Walter Crutchfield's gift at making money became a vocation.
A City of Activists: An Interview with Rick McKinley
The Imago Dei Community pastor on how his city's culture of activism affects the local church.
With Liberty or Justice for All: Inside the Occupy and Tea Party Movements
How can people who share the same faith embrace such different politics?
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